Please allow me to introduce to you my brand new boysenberry KitchenAid Mixer.
I asked Clutterbuck what he'd like as the first item mixed with the new mixer. He decided on Carrot Cake. This is yet another thing I wouldn't have touched with a ten foot pole up until recently. The title is such an oxymoron. Carrot = healthy = gross....Cake = not healthy = yummy. I've since been able to revise that equation in my head. Carrot Cake = yummy sweet goodness!
I did do my best to "health" it up as best I could. I cut the sugar in half, used whole wheat flour and subbed in unsweetened apple sauce in place of the oil. The cream cheese icing on the other hand...not much I can do about butter, cream cheese and 3 cups of icing sugar.
It was DE-licious!!! So moist and flavourful and ridiculously easy to execute with the help of the mixer.
I also used silicone cake pans to bake it. I was a little hesitant because my oven is so temperamental, a new type of pan just adds to the variables that impact success, but they worked beautifully. I've also learned to put whatever I'm cooking on the rack above the center rack, put a small baking sheet on the bottom rack to deflect some of the heat and if I'm cooking something that I really don't want to dry out I put a small oven safe dish with water on the baking pan (I didn't need to do that for this cake). Ugh....what I would give for a gas convection oven...just sayin'